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System Requirement

The followings are the recommended software and hardware specifications for using the XRCC.

Recommended Spec
Intel™ Core™ i5-4590 or AMD FX™ 8350, equivalent or better
8 GB RAM or more
Graphics Card
NVIDIA GeForce™ GTX 1060 or AMD Radeon™ RX 480, equivalent or better
Operating System
Windows 10+ 64-bit OS

For running the XRCC (XR) in VR headsets, please also check out the recommended system requirements of VIVE, Oculus, Meta Quest Link, and Windows Mixed Reality.


You may use a computer without the recommended dedicated graphics card if you do not require running the XRCC (XR) on your system.

Software Requirement

VotancXR Suite

The XRCC requirements the VotanicXR Suite to be installed at your system first.You can download a copy at the VotanicXR page.

XR System Drivers

For running the XRCC (XR) in VR headsets, please also install the corresponding drivers:

VR headsetsInstall Drivers
All VR Heasets
Download and install SteamVR
Oculus / Meta Quest
Also download and install Oculus Software
Windows Mixed Reality
Also download and install Windows Window Mixd Reality for SteamVR
Pico 4
Also download and install Streaming Assistant

Media Codec Pack

For better media playback compatibility with videos added to XRCC projects, we recommend installing the K-Lite Codec Pack to any system that will be running the XRCC.