Scene Management
A scene is the user-defined collection of items and behaviours, it is visualized in the Scene View of the XRCC PC. When a new project is created, one scene is created automatically using the Start Scene selected for the project. Further scene management features are available in the XRCC PC to perform more advanced scene-related operations.
📄️ Scene Menu
The Scene Menu allows you to view and manage different scenes in the project. To access the Scene Menu, navigate to the Instance Panel at the bottom-left corner and press the "Scene Menu" tab.
📄️ Create New Scene
You may add scenes from the Scene Menu by pressing "Add New Scene ()" at the top-right corner.
📄️ Change Scene
In the Scene Menu, hover your mouse on the scene you would like to switch and press "Edit Scene" to load the designated scene in the Scene View.
📄️ Rearrange Scene
You can use the Move Down () and Move Up () button to rearrange the
📄️ Set Start Scene
You can click the "Set Start Scene" button () to designate the selected scene as the starting scene. This scene will be loaded first when you open the project.
📄️ Duplicate Scene
To duplicate a scene, press "More option" () button from the scene that you would like to duplicate. With the options list opened, select "Duplicate" () in the list then confirm your decision. All the objects in the scene including their behaviours will be duplicated to the new scene.
📄️ Rename Scene
To rename a scene, press "More option" () button from the scene that you would like to rename. With the options list opened, select "Rename" () in the list. Type in the new name and press "Enter" or click anywhere outside the typing area to save the new name.
📄️ Delete Scene
To delete a scene, press "More option" () button from the scene that you would like to delete. With the options list opened, select "Delete" () from the list and confirm the delete action.
📄️ Configure Scene Setting
You can customize the setting for each scene in the project using the scene inspector panel. To configure the setting of the current scene, first click anywhere without an object in the scene without an object to select the scene, then press "Inspector" () (I) to configure scene setting. To close the Configuration Panel, press "Inspector" () (I) again.