Project Management
This section introduces various project management features of the XRCC PC. A project file is required for editing and playback of the XRCC project. A XRCC project file carries a file extension of ".ccdata" (e.g. "project_name.ccdata"), the default save folder for Local XRCC project files is located at XRCC > Resources > Saves, but you can also change the XRCC Local Save location in the Settings Panel. However, the default save folder for Network XRCC project files is located at AppData > LocalLow > Votanic > XRCC (Server) > Server > Projects
📄️ Create New Project
You can create XRCC project in the home page.
📄️ Load Existing Project
A XRCC project can be loaded from the Home Page or from the Main Menu.
📄️ Save Project
If you make changes to the project, an asterisk (\*) will be shown in the save button at the top-right corner until you save the project.
📄️ Export 360 Image
You can export current scene view perspective as images. Select "File -> Export Image" to open the export image panel. There are three image formats available for export.
📄️ Close Project
At the Main Menu, select "File -> Exit" (Ctrl + Q) to close your project and go back to the Home Page.
📄️ Save Project As
You can save the current project to a new project file using "File -> Save Project As" (Ctrl + Shift + S). You will be prompted to select a new save location and project name in the File Browser.
📄️ Project Information
To access the Project Information Panel, navigate to "Project -> Project Information" from the Main Menu. This panel allows you to view detailed project information and modify the project cover image and descriptions.