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Export 360 Image

You can export current scene view perspective as images. Select "File -> Export Image" to open the export image panel. There are three image formats available for export.

NameDescriptionExample Image
2D Front View
A flat representation of a scene or object as seen from the front perspective.
A wide-angle view that captures a full 360-degree horizontal and 180-degree vertical view of a scene.
A special textures used to simulate reflections and environment mapping in 3D scenes. They consist of six square images (one for each face of a cube) that are mapped onto a cube surrounding the scene

The below image shows the main elements in the Export Image Panel

Save LocationChoose the save location for the export image
Export FormatChoose one or more export formats for exporting
Preview AreaDrag to pan around to preview your image, the preview area also set the front perspective of the image.
Image NameInput the name for the image
Export ButtonPress "Export" to save the image(s) once all the settings are done

When the images are exported successfully, a notification will pop up to inform you the image is successfully exported to the save location.