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Objects are the main building blocks of a scene; they are 3D models with different configurable properties based on their object type.

Add Object to Scene

Open the main menu and click "Spawn Item" to show the New Item Panel in front of your view. The panel displays all 3D model assets in accordance with their theme. Click on the tab at the right of the panel to select the theme and click on the object's picture to spawn the object. The new object will spawn in front of your view.

Editing Object

Object Editing Menu

By pointing at the object and pressing the "Select" button, the Object Editing Menu of the pointed object will appear in the form of a ring-shaped menu, and the object will have a green outline.

MoveSwitch to Move Tool
RotateSwitch to Rotate Tool
OffsetSwitch to Offset Tool
ScaleSwitch to Scale Tool
Hide in EditorHide the object in editor mode
Unlock / Lock / Lock
Close MenuClose the menu
DeleteDelete the object
DuplicateDuplicate the object
Toggle Transform Space Toggle Transform Space between local and global space

Object Transform Tool

The Object Editing Menu provides 3 transform tools: Move Tool, Rotate Tool, and Scale Tool. When a transform tool is enabled, a gizmo will appear for you to control the chosen transform operation. All gizmos have 3 arms pointing to the X, Y, and Z axis. Click and drag the arm with the Select button to transform the object in the indicated axis.

Move ToolMove the object position. Click and drag the square to move in 2 axes at once.
Rotate ToolRotate the object.
Scale ToolScale the object. Click and drag the cube to scale in all axes.
Offset ToolOffset the object position. Click and drag the sector to offset in 2 axes at once.

Toggle Transform Space

Click "Toggle Transform Space" in the Object Editing Menu to toggle the transform space from Local Space and Global Space. In Local Space, the gizmo and the 3 axes for Move Tool and Rotate Tool follow the rotation direction of the object, whereas in Global Space the gizmo always anchors at the centre point of the object and faces the same direction (0°).

Duplicate Object

Click "Duplicate"in the Object Editing Menu to duplicate the object. As the duplicated object have the exact same position, rotation, and scale, you might need to move one of the objects to notice the duplication effect.

Delete Object

Click "Delete" in the Object Editing Menu to delete the object from the scene.