Assets Management
Assets are resources useful in constructing the scenes in a project. In XRCC, assets exist in two different forms: the pre-packaged assets that can be shared among different projects, and the project-specific assets imported and managed by the user.
Assets are identified by their asset type and are used in different ways in the scene. The default asset types in XRCC are:
Model | Image | Audio | Video | Document | Motion | Character |
📄️ Asset Panel
You can view and manage all project assets using the Asset Panel.
📄️ Import Assets
You can import your own files and use them in the project to create XR experiences.
📄️ Use Asset Package
External asset package can be loaded for use in the project. To access the Package Panel, select "Project -> Manage Packages" (Shift + P) in the Main Menu.
📄️ Import 3D Model From Sketchfab
You can search and download 3D models from Sketchfab and import them for use in the project. In the Asset Panel, press "Sketchfab" () on the top to open the section that allows you to browse 3D models from Sketchfab. The Sketchfab section contains 5 components as shown below.
📄️ Create Character with Ready Player Me
You can download Character models from Ready Player Me and import them for use in the project. In the Asset Panel, press "Ready Player Me" on the top to open the section that allows you to browse character model from your Ready Player Me account. The Ready Player Me section contains 3 components as shown below.
📄️ Tagging Assets
Add Tag to Assets
📄️ Import Character and Motion from Mixamo
To import character and motion assets to XRCC, the file should follow the Mixamo character standard.