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Block Name

Construct a Vector3 variable with the specified values.

  • x: Number value for the 'x' value of the Vector3.
  • y: Number value for the 'y' value of the Vector3.
  • z: Number value for the 'z' value of the Vector3.
  • Output: The constructed Vector3 variable or the separate x/y/z values

Construct a Color variable with the specified values in RGBA color standard.

  • R: Number value for the Red value of the Color.
  • G: Number value for the Green value of the Color.
  • B: Number value for the Blue value of the Color.
  • A: Number value for the Alpha value (transparency) of the Color
  • Output: The constructed Color variable.

Perform logical operation "OR". Return true if any of the input Boolean value is true, and false only if both input Boolean value is false.

  • A: First Boolean value for the logical operation.
  • B: Second Boolean value for the logical operation.
  • Output: Boolean value of the logical result.

Perform logical operation "AND". Return true if both the input Boolean values are true, return false otherwise.

  • A: First Boolean value for the logical operation.
  • B: Second Boolean value for the logical operation.
  • Output: Boolean value of the logical result.

Perform logical operation "NOT". Return the reverse of the input Boolean value.

  • A: Boolean value for the logical operation.
  • Output: Boolean value of the logical result.

Perform the arithmetic operation "Addition".

  • A: Number value to be augend.
  • B: Number value to be augend.
  • Output: The sum of two number values.

Perform the arithmetic operation "Subtraction".

  • A: Number value to be augend.
  • B: Number value to be augend.
  • Output: The difference of two number values.

Perform the arithmetic operation "Multiplication".

  • A: Number value to be multiplier
  • B: Number value to be multiplicand.
  • Output: The product of two number values.

Perform the arithmetic operation "Division".

  • A: Number value to be augend.
  • B: Number value to be augend.
  • Output: The quotient of two number values.
Random Number

Get a random number value between a range.

  • Min: Lower Bound (Inclusive) of the random number value.
  • Max: Upper Bound (Exclusive) of the random number value.
  • Result: Random Integer value between the Min and Max values.

Compare the values of two numbers on a chosen math operation and return the result as a Boolean value.

  • A: Number value to be comparison.
  • B: Number value to be comparator.
  • Operator: Type of operations to compare two values, including ">" greater than, "<" less than, "==" equal to, ">=" greater than or equal to, "<=" less than or equal to, and "!=" not equal to.
  • Result: Boolean value of the comparison result.